10 Pictures taken at the Phuket Botanic Garden

I love snapping pictures of flowers. When we were at the Phuket Botanic gardens I managed to capture some shots of these lovely blooms.

Orange flower

#1-Orange flower

Purple Orchids

#2 Purple Orchids

There were many different orchids there and I managed to capture a few  with my camera.

#3-Dark Purple Bloom

I love the color of this orchid and purple happens to be Tiger girl’s favourite color.

#4- Another Purple bloom

I love this darker shade of purple. It looks so majestic!!

Orange Red Bloom

#5-Orange Red bloom

Another beautiful color for an orchid.

#6- Red Bloom


Besides orchids there were other types of flowers too. If I am not mistaken this is a  ginger flower.

Orange Bloom

#7-Orange bloom

I like the vibrant shade of orange on this bloom. It really contrasted with it’s green stem and leaves.

Red Hibicius

#8- Red Hibiscus

A common flower in our tropics. Here it is in full bloom.

Another red bloom

#9- Another red bloom

This flower is so dainty looking and I had to really go up and close to snap a picture of it.

small purple blooms

#10- Small purple blooms

A cluster of flowers in various shades of purple.

Do you love taking photos of flowers too?

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