
Of Shades of Pink and White Roses


Light pink rose

Light pink rose

Roses are one of my favourite subjects for photography. The last time I took pictures of Roses was during a visit to the Flower dome at Garden at the bay 2 years ago.   Prior to that  we saw Roses when we visited Everland  back in 2012 as there was a Rose exhibition when we were there in  South Korea.

Light pink bloom

Light pink bloom

During our Valentines Weekend trip  I managed to snap many pictures of Roses as there happened to be a Rose exhibition in one of the parks that we visited.

Pale pink rose

Pale pink rose

There were roses in many different shades of pink. They also came in assortment of sizes and varieties.

Cluster of pink roses

Cluster of pink roses

There were easily 50 different types of roses in that small enclosure and it set me off on a frenzy taking photos almost every  2 meters or so when I spotted a bloom of different color or texture.

A cluster of baby pink roses

A cluster of baby pink roses

This cluster of roses had a really lovely hue of baby pink.  It certainly would make a great center piece in a crystal vase.

Light pink roses

Light pink roses

The same bunch of roses at a different angle and processed differently .

Dark Pink Bloom

Dark Pink Bloom

Another shot of the same bloom from a different angle

Another shot of the same bloom from a different angle

I tried getting different shots of the same flower by adjusting the focal length and my position while capturing the bloom.  As you can see it does look very different from the two shots captured above.

A purple pink rose

A purple pink rose

I love this shade of pink/purple. It’s really pleasant to the eyes and I wouldn’t mind having a whole vase of this color rose to adorn my dining table at home.

Pink Rose

Pink Rose

The roses in the garden were regularly sprayed with water so that they were kept in their pristine condition.

A white rose

A white rose

This was not your traditional shaped rose. I don’t know what the specific name is as the roses in the garden didn’t have any labels next to them so it was hard for me to identify them.

White rose

White rose

This is the traditionally shaped rose which we see sold in the shops.

Which bloom is your favourite  from the selection above?

Pink or White Rose for you?

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Roses from Tuplimania

Red Roses

Red Roses

While viewing the Tulips at Tulipmania I came across these lovely roses. Most of them were in clusters and were in pots all around the flower dome.

Red rose

Red rose

There were varying shades of red and pink roses and I took the opportunity to snap some picture of them while taking photos of the tulips.

Pink Rose

Pink Rose

The last time which I saw roses was when we were at Everland Theme park in Korea. There was a rose exhibit back then at that theme park and a section was filled with many different varieties of roses.

Light pink roses

Light pink roses

Don’t they look lovely?


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