More Outrageous Pictures from Alive Museum

Petting the girraffe

Petting the giraffe

Being at the Alive Museum last week as part of my birthday celebration was really fun. Here are some more pictures that we took that day.

Restraining a dinosaur

Restraining a dinosaur

This year Tiger girl and I got to be up and close with a giraffe. Last year when we were at the Trick Museum at Jeju island we took a similar picture but with a  dinosaur instead.

Tiger girl and us posing for a photograph

Tiger girl and us posing for a photograph

This year Tiger girl was more cooperative and was willing to take posed shots as compared to last year. She was even rushing with her brothers to get her photo taken!!

Tiger girl paddling in  a canoe

Tiger girl paddling in a canoe

I guess being 3 years old now as compared to 2 years old last year does make a lot of difference in a child’s behavior.

Monkey boy crawling away from the zombies

Monkey boy crawling away from the zombies

The boys had lots of fun too posing for the different curated shots.

Doggie boy swinging free from the crocodile

Doggie boy swinging free from the crocodile

They loved this set up as they got to swing wildly  back and forth on the  rope. I had to make them stand still or else I wouldn’t be able to get a clear shot of them.

Do you have a museum like that
in your area?

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