Top 10 ways to spend 30 Minutes

Tiger girl posing for the camera

Tiger girl posing for the camera

There are many things which one can do  to spend 30 minutes. The task that you choose would determine how fast or slow that 30 minutes would pass by.

Here is my list of Top 10 ways to spend 30 minutes in no particular order.

1. Getting Tiger girl to pose for the camera. In the post above she was mimicking the cow. Apparently she has been reading too much about sea cows as we were at the aquarium.

Doggy boy playing in a playroom

Doggy boy playing in a playroom

2. Watching the kids at play in a playroom or indoor playground.

The boys enjoying their toys

The boys enjoying their toys

3. Bringing the kids outdoor to enjoy their skate scooter and plasma car in the park or the open spaces around our house.

Enjoying a cup of tea/chocolate

Enjoying a cup of tea/chocolate

4. Enjoying a hot cup of tea or hot chocolate while eating sweet treats at a coffee house.

Driving the Volvo V40

Driving the Volvo V40

5. Going on a relaxing drive or test driving a car like we tested out the  Volvo V40 over the weekend.



6. Making some popcorn in the kitchen for the kids to have a snacks. It does make a welcome treat during breakfast.


Monkey boy playing the piano

Monkey boy playing the piano

7. Listening to Monkey boy or Doggie boy playing the piano while I relax on the sofa.

An Un-riped Fruit

An Un-riped Fruit

8. Going on a photo walk and taking in the sights of the flora and fauna around me with my camera.

Captivating Scenery in New Zealand

Captivating Scenery in New Zealand

9. Daydream about going to far away places like New Zealand to admire the scenery. I’m so going to get R to let me tag along on his next business trip there!!

10. Sit down and read a good book which I have on hand.

What are the ways you would spend 30 minutes?


Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters Top Ten Tuesday at Many Little BlessingsMummyMOO