
Raising Amazing Children – A Book Review

Raising Amazing Children book cover

Raising Amazing Children (…While Having a Life of Your Own) is an  E-book which title really caught my attention. I’m always on the look out for books which can help me become a better parent and this book really does have lots of handy tips and examples. Parenting is never easy and it has been a learn on the go experience for me for the past 9 years. Each child has his own unique traits and personality and there is no cookie cutter solution to solve all obstacles which are thrown at me on a daily basis. Having children doesn’t mean that it spells the end to your own lifestyle and that you have to put everything on hold till the kids are grown. There are ways to involve the kids and still have a great life while doing so.

Deborah Drezon Carroll mentions and I quote

 “Kids must learn early in life that you mean what you say and that your words are consistent.

Rules must be accompanied with consequences and the consequences must be consistent.”

I find this really true and have been striving to do the following with my own kids. I believe in training them from young so that they will be equipped with the right tools and mindset to deal with any obstacles which they may face in life.  In her  5 chapter book Deborah mentioned how you can involve your kids in your daily routine from working around the house to outings with them.

She gives very practical tips on how one can use daily activities like doing the laundry of washing dishes to teach their child about the concepts on measuring, sorting, reading of labels and following through on instructions. I’m already incorporating some of these tips of her with my 18 month old girl by teaching her about the various colours while we do the laundry together.

Deborah is all for positive teaching and preaches these 10 things which parents should keep in mind while interacting with the kids.

Her 10 tips

  1. Be positive.
  2. Read in front of your child.
  3. Exhibit self-discipline and responsibility.
  4. Talk to your child.
  5. Invite your child into your life, even to the most mundane activities.
  6. Be a lifelong learner and encourage your child to be one too.
  7.  Ask questions.
  8. Visit your child’s school at least once each year beyond the parent-teacher conference time.
  9. Value education.
  10. Laugh together.

If we are able to do all of the above we will be creating a conducive learning environment for our children and be able to build up their positive self esteem.

My thoughts

I found this book very insightful and will be implementing the tips that I have found in the book which I have yet to try out with the kids.

If you are interested in getting your own copy of this book  it is available in Kindle edition or Paperback on Amazon.


Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book  for review purposes.Opinions are 100% my own.

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Guest Post: Do you have each other’s backs?

I recently watched an episode of Up All Night, where Christina Applegate’s character Reagan goes on a mean-spree through the airport in her stress of traveling with an infant, all the while her husband Chris, played by Will Arnett, follows behind her apologizing for her and trying to play it cool.


At one point, Reagan just looks at her husband Chris, and asks him,  “Why can’t you just have my back?” It is a really great episode, and
any parent who has travelled with small children will find it hilariously accurate and entertaining.

So, the other morning I woke up and went about my normal morning routine: make coffee, get breakfast going, pack a lunch, attempt to
keep my daughter from getting into everything at the same time.  My husband had just come out of our bedroom, dressed quite
handsomely for work, and my daughter was waving around the Swiffer sweeper like a dangerous baton.

As I’m busy trying to get his lunch together, behind me I hear a frustrated snap at my daughter and instantly, without much hesitation,
mama bear rises up in me.  “Don’t yell at her.  What did she do?”  I put my husband on the defensive, my daughter is upset.
She had smacked his clean pants with the dirty sweeper.
The morning ends with this statement, “Why can’t you just let me be a parent, too?”

Ouch.  As the hubs left for work, without our usual loving good-bye, I felt the sting of truth.  I was instantly reminded of
the episode I had just watched.  Why couldn’t I have just had my husband’s back?

My husband is an awesome father, one who loves his daughter so incredibly much.  And it is clear in everything he does that this
is the case.  I have no reason to deny him my support when he does what he is supposed to do as a parent: discipline, correct, etc.
If I want to him to flourish in his role as a father, I have to give him my backing and support.

My encouragement to you today is: to stand by each other; have each other’s backs.  As parents, we have such a difficult job, one
that has its own unique challenges for both mothers and fathers.
We need each other to make it work well.  It doesn’t stop at parenting either.  It is important in maintaining a strong marriage as well.

When you don’t feel supported in something that is important to you, especially by the person who is closest to you, it can be a huge discouragement.

I don’t know what I’d do if my husband didn’t support my passion to write, or my desire to lose weight.  It is his constant support
and affirmation that spurs me on and gives me that extra “push” to not give up when things are tough.

As I reflect on that morning, I realize that I need to show my husband that I do have his back, and that I support him as a father.
Lesson learned.

How do you show your spouse that you have their back?

 In what ways does your spouse show you?

Courtney is a wife, mother and writer.  She loves to encourage others in marriage and motherhood.  To connect more with her,
visit her blog: Baxtron{Life}.