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Were you at Dryper’s Day Out 2013?


The entrance which greeted us upon entering the hall

The entrance which greeted us upon entering the hall

Last week we were at the Singapore Expo to check out Drypers Little Day Out which was on at Hall 4B.  There were many families there who brought their kids to take part in the activities that were organised by Drypers. Drypers LDO Map There were a few different areas which were set aside for kids of different ages as you can see from the map above. Parents could attend the talks on how to help your child or let the kids listen to the show and tell sessions which conducted. There were  activities for everyone in the family and games which both parents and kids can participate together.

The different areas in the hall

The different areas in the hall

There were certain areas like the Baby Fun Zone , First Aid Tent and  Diaper changing area which we gave a miss as the kids were more keen on the rides.  You could even buy Dryperz ‘ Wee Wee Dry’ & ‘Drypantz’ from their sales tent and I did see many parents stocking up on them before exiting the exhibition.

The bouncy

The bouncy “train” castle

The boys had fun lots of fun inside this Thomas the train station look a like bouncy castle. Tiger girl wanted to enter the bouncy castle however seeing that the kids within the bouncy castle were bigger and more rowdy then her she decided to turn her attention to the choo choo train ride instead.

Tiger girl going on the choo-choo train ride

Tiger girl going on the choo-choo train ride

Tiger girl loves trains and couldn’t wait to go on the train for a ride.  The boys wanted to go for a ride too but as it was for ages five and under so they had to give it a miss. The train went one small round and she wasn’t satisfied with the short ride. Tiger girl promptly queued up again for a 2nd round once the 1st ride was over.

The Gondola

The Gondola

The boys on the other hand queued for the Gondola after getting their fill of the bouncy castle.  There were many families and even babies which went on the ride with their parents.  I chose not to go on the Gondola with them as I was looking after  the pram and taking pictures of them.  They really enjoyed themselves swinging back and forward in it.

Having fun with the signs

Having fun with the signs

R playing with the sign placing it on top of Tiger girl.  I’m guessing she must be trying to hide away again from having her picture taken as she was getting cranky by then.


A family shot

A family shot taken at their photo booth

We spotted this photo booth on our way out and stopped to take a family photo.   It was not that professionally taken like those we have done before but I found the pocket size shots were nice momentos for me and R to have in our wallets. It was a great day of family bonding for us.

Did you enjoy yourself on the weekend?

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Dypers. Originally posted on Dominique’s Desk. All opinions expressed on this website come straight from Dominique unless otherwise noted. This post has Compensation Levels of 13 . Please visit Dominique’s  Disclosure page for more information.

Protecting your kids from “Back to School” Germs

Doggie boy doing his homework

Doggie boy doing his homework

It’s the start of term 3 and the kids are back in school. The school holidays have ended and it is time to hit the books again. Having been away from the classroom, it is now time to be together with friends and classmates and resume learning.

The kids are looking forward to school and being with the friends but I’m not looking forward to them coming home sick after catching a bug in school.

I seriously hope that they don’t return from school with  HFMD,  colds or coughs. If one of the siblings fall ill there will be a high chance that the other two may catch the virus too. It is very easy to pass the germs from one to another as they sleep in the same room and within no time the whole household maybe down with the illness too. This is something which I really hope doesn’t happen to us.


Monkey boy taking a drink

Monkey boy taking a drink

To prevent the kids from catching the bugs from school here is a list of things which I do with the kids.

  1. I ensure that they wash their hands  with anti bacterial  soap regularly. 

    They are sent to the bathroom to wash their hands with soap for at least 10 seconds once they step into the house. We even have a song to sing along to while washing our hands to make hand washing even more enjoyable for the kids.

  2. We have a routine to follow at home once the kids come back from school.

    The routine gives the kids sufficient time to rest, play and have fun and complete all homework that has been given to them by their teachers. With proper planing they have enough time to do their work and have fun at home.

  3. I insist on the kids being properly hydrated.

    The weather has been really hot and humid lately. They are given a lot of water to drink when they are at home and bring their water bottles out and to school. They too do need the required six to eight cups of water daily.
  4. The kids go out for outdoor fun weekly.

    I do believe that the kids should have their time out running and playing in the sun. It is the best way for them to get some exercise and vitamin D.
Tiger girl having fun in the field

Tiger girl having fun in the field

Doing all these helps me ensure that the kids stay healthy and prevent them from failing ill easily. Since the start of the year they haven’t been home sick because they have caught bugs while being in school.

What do you do to protect your kids from “Back to School ” Germs?

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Disclaimer: I’m participating in a campaign by Lifebouy. All opinions are 100% my own. Results obtained from the usage of the product may vary from person to person. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine. This post has a Compensation Level of 13. Please visit Dominique’s Disclosure page for more information.