Breastfeeding for 31 Months
Breastfeeding didn’t really come naturally for me. the first time as it was prematurely ended at 6 months . I only had success from the 2nd time around with my #2- Doggie boy. I managed to breastfeed him and subsequently #3- Tiger girl both for 31 months.
It could be said as a first time mother with Monkey boy I struggled with breastfeeding due to Ankyloglossia which was hereditary on my side of the family. I am a carrier and as a result all three kids have it.
Monkey boy had difficulty latching on and had to be supplemented with formula. His tongue tie was only released when he was 8 weeks old. During that period of time I suffered from engorgement and bleeding nipples due to latching issues. Many naysayers, including my own parents, advised me to give up and switch to formula. I however, tried my best to carry on.
I tried pumping using both manual and electric pumps. It was really time consuming. By the time you finish a pumping session it was time for the next feeding session and the cycle was never ending. I gave up in the end and went back to direct latching as pumping wasn’t working well for me and my supply also dwindled because of it.
I felt extremely exhausted as I wasn’t getting any sleep for days on end as Monkey boy was a baby who needed very little sleep.
It was a torture to breastfeed at that time and I finally threw in the towel at 6 months once I reached the minimum length of time recommended by the major breastfeeding organisations.
With #2 and #3 I was much more prepared. I spotted their tongue tie problem when they were newborns and had it rectified before we left the hospital. Both of them didn’t have any problems latching on and I enjoyed my bonding sessions while breastfeeding. I practiced baby led weaning with them and weaned them off breastfeeding when both of them were about 31 months old.
Breastfeeding is something which only us mothers can experience and enjoy. It is a unique opportunity for us to nourish our child both physically and mentally. One shouldn’t be too bothered by others and their opinions on breastfeeding. You are the mother and you know what is best for your own child.
March 21, 2014 @ 11:31 am
So true on the pumping! It’s really more time-consuming and tiring! I’m also not going to force my baby to wean this time. Going to just let things be 🙂
Christy Garrett Parenting Advice
March 21, 2014 @ 11:37 am
Great job, I had no idea that you breastfed your baby. I am glad that you were able to feed them for 31 months. I breastfed my daughter and weaned her around 13-14 months, my oldest didn’t want to wean and finally forced him to before his 3rd birthday, and my youngest I weaned at 18 months. I miss breastfeeding, it is a special bond.
March 21, 2014 @ 3:47 pm
I agree with the saying, there’s no other milk that can replace breastmilk for babies.
March 21, 2014 @ 5:18 pm
31 months! Wow, that really is an achievement and something to be very proud of. Thank you for linking up to #loudnproud this week, we hope to see you back again 🙂
March 21, 2014 @ 8:50 pm
I really wished to breastfeed my baby full-time, unfortunately I’m not that blessed. I tried but the milk run out… So we end up giving her formula…
March 21, 2014 @ 11:49 pm
Gulp. Now I feel guilty for trying to wean my almost 2 year old!
Kristine Gavilano
March 22, 2014 @ 3:20 pm
Thanks for sharing your experience Dominique. I breastfed for only a month with my firstborn and I am determined to make it successful in my succeeding kids.
Eliz Frank
March 22, 2014 @ 4:57 pm
I think it’s smart to go with how you feel and what you know about your baby. People like to give moms with new borns a lot of anecdotal advice but Mother knows best.
March 24, 2014 @ 7:13 pm
I was tongue-tied as a child and I remember having it rectified at around 5 years old. It must have been hard for my mum to breastfeed me. She had left us now. I had no idea. Well done for persevering until 6 months for monkey-boy despite the hardship.
March 24, 2014 @ 11:46 pm
31 months, that’s wonderful to know! You did great for all your three kids, 6 months is still a long way for your first born considering all the difficulties and challenges. And oh, I can so relate with this post. I, too, am still breastfeeding my 29 month old son. He was also born with tongue tie but luckily, it was detected by his pedia few hours after he was born. I had no idea then what a tongue tie means, so I got paranoid. But our pedia assured us that she’ll do what’s needed to be done and there’s nothing to be worried about. After we talked with her, she snipped and fixed my baby’s tongue tie a few hours after he was born. 🙂