Weekend Reflections: Thoughts about 2013 and 2014

Mini berries on a branch

Mini berries on a branch

The last weekend of 2013. Time really passes so fast. December has been a really  busy month as the kids are on holidays and we have been on vacations, play dates and lots of outings with the kids.

This week we celebrated Christmas with a lunch gathering with the family and relatives and next week we will be celebrating the New Year. It has been great meeting up with them as the last time that we saw each other was during Chinese New Year.

This year has been a really hectic year and looking back I’ve managed to cross out quite a bit on my list of resolutions for 2013.

However there are still certain areas like weight management and spritual guidance which will certainly need more work on.


For Myself

  1.  Focus on more healthy eating and exercising. Target weight is getting back to 60kg first.
  2. Reading up and learning more about how to use my DSLR
  3. Test out the recipes in the cook books that I have acquired in 2012.
  4. To brush up on my French and Japanese.

For the blog

  1. To increase readership even further and break the 15K FB Fan mark.
  2. Get more sponsors and campaigns.
  3. To double blog income.

For the kids

  1.  Engage them in more family based activities and teach them more life skills.
  2. Read scripture together with the kids bi-weekly with follow up activities weekly.
  3. Pray together before meals .
  4. Focus on both academic and physical development for each child.

For the family

  1. Go on family vacations at least twice a year.
  2. Spend time outdoors with the kids
  3. Watch movies or have games night once a month.

For our relationship

  1. Have a couple night once a month or as often as possible.
  2. Go on a couple trip without the kids.
  3. Pray together

In the coming days I will be putting together my resolutions for 2014 and also finalizing up the new timetables and schedule for myself and the kids. It will certainly be more challenging and interesting come 2014 as I will be putting many new plans which I have been pondering upon into action. I’m optimistic that I will be able to see my desired results once the plans have been executed.

What are your thoughts about 2013 and 2014?

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