Ducks and Waterfalls
Ducks walking on grass
While we were admiring the tulips at Tao yuan Shien Valley I came across these ducks which were enjoying the scenery . It was really interesting to see them waddling around as they headed towards a nearby pond.
Grey Duck
This particular duck must love to post for pictures as it kept stopping in front of me so that I can take it’s picture.
One of the landscaped streams
If you were wondering where the ducks were waddling towards. This was the place that they were going for a dip. Doesn’t it look lovely?
A waterfall
It was really nice to see so many waterfalls in one place. They really compliment the blooming tulips that were specially grown around the landscape feature.
Multiple streams of water
It would certainly be great to have such a feature in my backyard if I do have the opportunity to stay in a landed property with a big garden. Sipping tea there in the afternoon would be heavenly.
Another waterfall on the grounds.
Don’t the flowers look absolutely lovely put in between the cascading waterfall?
Tulips and waterfalls- the perfect combination.