Motivational Monday and Music -Setting the Flow
The waterfall at Sungei Lembing
During our recent vacation to Malaysia we stopped by one of the waterfalls that were in Kuantan. It was a really majestic sight seeing water plummeting down from above. It was really captivating just listening to the sound of the water hitting against the rocks below.I found it really therapeutic as watching the water flowing down seems to help ease away any stresses of the day.
There will many people soaking in the clear spring water at the bottom of the waterfall. We gave it a miss as the water was really very cold and the washing facilities there were not really that sanitary.
Looking at the water cascading from above reminded me of the purity of the source of the water and how important to let the source remain clean and free from pollutants as it makes it way downstream.
The brains of our kids are like sponges absorbing all that is taught to them from birth. It is really important to filter what they learn and give them the “purest” education possible. No doubt it is impossible to keep them away from the evils of the modern world but to brace them with the proper support through spirituality education .
My kids need to know the basic of right from wrong and know how to thoroughly access any situation which they are in before making any life altering decisions. With me and their teachers giving then the best guidance that we can they will be able to remain as pure as spring water and give them a head start in life.
Do you too wish for your kids to remain like pure springs?
This week I’m sharing with you one of the songs that we use during our Zumba weekly class.It is certainly a great song to exercise to.
January 14, 2013 @ 1:02 pm
With the influence of media, it will be more challenging to keep our children away from bad influences. So as parents, we play am important role to guide them from their youth.
January 14, 2013 @ 1:05 pm
Oh my gosh, I love that song, and the dance. I watch that video all the time. Yes, it would be a great one in a zumba class. I go to one sometimes, but ours is a bit slower for people with ailments. Oh well, I’m sure I’ll graduate out of that class soon as I lose my weight. I’m really going for it this year for sure. What a beautiful serene picture of that waterfall. Thanks for sharing and joining us today. Loved your pick. Have a great day my friend.
January 14, 2013 @ 1:20 pm
I love the picture of the waterfall. The zumba music is definitely motivational to. I see you SITS badge will you be going in April to Phoenix?
January 14, 2013 @ 1:22 pm
Unfortunately I won’t be going to Phoenix as I stay on the other side of the world over in Singapore. It certainly would be fun to attend a SITS meetup.
January 14, 2013 @ 1:52 pm
Oh yes now I see the other badge ;0)
January 14, 2013 @ 1:22 pm
Love and joy! I feel hope for our future with amazing parents like you!
January 14, 2013 @ 1:42 pm
I super-duper agree that we need to trach morals to our kids as early as possible. This can be their fundamentals that they can help them in the future when they grow up, to help them choose the right choices in life.
January 14, 2013 @ 2:37 pm
Great song! Very peppy. Perfect for exercising to.
Yes, it is always a concern when I consider what is being put before my children, as it is possible that they might absorb any of it. I think it is my job as their parent to teach them how to filter out that material, so that they keep only that which is valuable.
January 14, 2013 @ 2:40 pm
I couldn’t agree more with you post, in that we need to make sure our children know right from wrong and to give them the best education possible. We must prepare them for the world outside of our homes so that they can become functioning healthy adults. Great post!
January 14, 2013 @ 2:48 pm
agreed…what can I say, the wonders of nature is really therapeutic to the soul.
January 14, 2013 @ 2:51 pm
In addition to trying to hold back the flood of really negative input, I think it is more critical than ever that our children grow up knowing that one thing is life is absolutely constant. My parent(s) love me. Having an emotional base they can always count on really makes a difference.
Thanks for sharing the music. It has a very strong/uplifting beat.
Dr. Hale
January 14, 2013 @ 4:24 pm
Great post. Parents do have a great responsibility and opportunity to influence the next generation.
January 14, 2013 @ 4:29 pm
What a stunning picture and place that sounds to be, nature is breathtaking, it really is.
Beautiful post and it really is a very special thing raising children indeed isnt it, I think we can help a lot with helping them in regards to what they are going to absorb by building up their self worth and self respect and we can do great as parents by loving them unconditionally, encouraging them in positive pursuits and interests, teaching them from our hearts, teaching them to appreciate and respect others and the natural world around them and show them living a great life by example by living healthy, happ,y kind, considerate lives ourselves and having our own dreams and going after them.
Great song too by the way!
Rebecca x
January 14, 2013 @ 6:45 pm
That photo is fantastic! I was once addicted to waka-waka and I also have a zumba exercise with waka-waka music, I just love it.
January 14, 2013 @ 7:39 pm
It’s so very important for young children to be given that ground work at home. The world is a cruel and ugly place with many morally corrupt people. Not all children are fortunate to have a wholesome, conservative upbringings. This is why kids and young adults do first, ask later because they simply don’t think of the consciences to the actions. Your kids will be ahead of the game and will be able to stand against negative peer pressure because of your strong influence in their lives. God bless you!
Oh Zumba is such great fun! Just watching this video makes me wanna pull out my Zumba videos early. lol Thanks for dancing with us on Monday’s Music Moves Me!
January 14, 2013 @ 9:25 pm
Nice song choice. I still haven’t quite figured out what Zumba is though.
January 15, 2013 @ 12:13 am
What a gorgeous shot of the waterfall! And I LOVE your song choice today – definitely one to get moving to! 🙂
January 15, 2013 @ 1:58 am
I love waterfalls. I can sit by them for hours just watching and listening to them. Wonderful to fish by, too! :-). Love your song choice for today. Really makes me want to get up and exercise. Have a great day!
January 15, 2013 @ 2:09 am
I totally agree! We as parents are responsible for guiding and teaching our children! Kudos to you for taking that stand! Stopping by from UBC
January 15, 2013 @ 4:56 am
Great post! It is vital to map out your life’s blueprint before you begin to build your home. Otherwise, life “happens.” Circumstances force you into acting upon automatic reflex, and that shapes your life’s destiny. If, however, you have clearly defined goals, you can be proactive, instead of reactive. First set your goals – and then see how your goals become a reality.
January 15, 2013 @ 9:51 am
Your post reminds me that my children have never seen an actual waterfall. I knew exactly what you were describing because I have experienced that, but what would my kids take from it. Probably not as much. I need to get them out there in the real world to experience life!
January 16, 2013 @ 3:14 am
I find water very therapeutic also. I wish for a fountain in my backyard.
And I absolutely agree with you about letting our children remain like pure springs but surely they will be soiled and so our effort as parents to give them enough experience and information to evaluate each situation and make the right choice and to learn from the ones they didn’t make right.
LOVE that song! Love to dance myself.
Enjoy the rest of your week!
January 17, 2013 @ 12:13 pm
I have seen this one before. Fun!
By the way-the waterfall is beautiful!
January 18, 2013 @ 8:38 pm
I love listening to those relaxation sounds. I need to find some new applications for my new phone, this type of sounds work great when you are having a hard time falling asleep.