Waffles, Pancakes and Noodles

Hello Kitty Waffle with fruits, salad and egg
I love Sundays. The kids and I do not need to wake up at 6 am for school and we can sleep in to about 8 before getting ready for church. It’s nice to be sit down at the dining table and have a leisurely breakfast with them.
I recently bought a Hello Kitty waffle pan after the Kenwood Multi-snacker died on us. I had that machine for three years and it suddenly decided to go to the electronics heaven above.
I’m so loving this new waffle pan of mine. The waffles come out crisp and tasty and it is very easy to clean after use.

Pancakes with Strawberries
Besides waffles the kids also love eating pancakes. Sometimes we eat the pancakes with ice-cream for breakfast. Who says that ice-cream has to be paired with waffles only. 🙂
Ton Toro Ramen from a Japanese Restaurant
This is one of my favourite dishes to order when we are eating out in a Japanese restaurant. I love the tasty soup stock and that the pork is really tender. This is one of the dishes that I hope to be able to make at home when I get the time. I guess that I need to find the recipe for good ramen stock first.