Weekend Reflections: Happy Birthday Tiger Girl

Tiger girl and Me

Tiger girl and Me

Dear Baby Girl,

I can hardly believe that you are three years old. It seems like it was only yesterday that I was carrying you home from the hospital as a 3.2kg newborn. Fast forward three years and you are now weighing approximately 14 kg and more then 90cm tall.

You can independently dress and feed yourself now and readily let others know about your preferences.  It  is really challenging dealing with your constant  outbursts and need for instant gratification. I need to constantly teach you that you need to wait a while before you will get what you desired. I guess delayed gratification is something which you will have to learn in time to come.  Patience too is a virtue which I hope that you will develop together with a resilient character.

You have brought a lot of joy and laughter to our family with your smiles and happy disposition. You always have a smile on your face when you see me each morning.

I hope that you have a great childhood with your siblings and enjoy the new adventures that you go through from three to four years old.



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