Tiger Girl’s Sports Day 2013

Navigating the Obstacle Course

Navigating the Obstacle Course

Last weekend Tiger girl took part in her 2nd Sports Day since starting school. This year the events were held at East Coast Park and the kids and parents had lots of fun taking part in the activities that were planned by the teachers. There were races for each level and parents and kids events where everyone could participate together.

Tiger girl was quite reluctant to take part in the events this year and had to be  constantly coaxed by the teachers to continue with the group even that she had been scheduled to participate in and complete the event.

Tiger girl and Doggie boy

Tiger girl and Doggie boy

It was well worth to trudge on and complete the event as Tiger girl received a trophy for her efforts. Her group came in second and each group member was given a silver trophy.

Tiger girl and Me

Tiger girl and Me

The happy little girl with her trophy.

How was your kid’s sports day?

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