Writer’s Workshop: A Recap of 2013( What I am Thankful For)

A shot from above

A shot from above

2013 is almost over and in slightly more then a month’s time we will be welcoming in 2014.

This year I have a lot to be thankful about. It has been a rather good year with the kids staying in the pink of health most of the time.  It has been quite challenging year for me as the boys were in different sessions in school. One was in the morning session while the other was in the afternoon and  R was off flying around the world on business almost every other month.

It has been a really hectic time for me but I have been really enjoying it. I got the chance to spend my time with my love ones, go on holidays to Jeju island , South Korea,  Desaru, Malaysia and pursue all my passions while taking care of the family.

There are many many blessings which I have received from GOD and I don’t think that I will be able to list down all here in this post. Nevertheless here  is a list of the the  most significant happenings for me this 2013.

1. I have managed to double the blog earnings this year as compared to 2012.  I’m grateful for all the campaigns which I have been on this year and it has been fun reviewing products such as the Philips Avance XL Airfryer,  Philips Jamie Oliver Blender , Philips Jamie Oliver Food Processor, Philips  Perfect Care Steam Genrated Iron, 3M Lamp, Nivea UV Whitening Serum among other items.

2. I  purchase new lenses for my DSLR and my kit lens is now replaced by a Sigma 18-250mm and a  Tamron Macro 90. This has certainly made it easier for me to take more stunning shots.

3. R and I have managed to go on date nights without the kids more regularly when he is in town. This has certainly help to strengthen our marriage as we both try to spend more time with each other despite our heavy commitments.

4. The kids and I also managed to watch a few movies together. We watched 5 movies together at the theater so far together and will be watching 1 or 2 more this holiday season.  They have also been on play dates and have the chance to try out many different activities both indoors and outdoors and have not been fairing too badly in school. They have been able to maintain their grades while at the same time having time to play.

5. I’ve been able to do more reading and have a clearer idea about my walk with GOD and where I will be heading with him during my journey on earth.


What are you thankful for?


Jenny Matlock Mama’s Losin’ It