Teaching Toddlers to write-(Part 3) Using story sequencing

In a build up from Using Visuals the next step uses more  pictures to help build up a story line.

For this example I have chosen pictures which Ryan can easily relate to in his daily life. Eg:  Hanging out the clothes, Cooking dinner, Making the bed

I showed him the pictures and asked him these questions.

1) What do you see in the picture?

2) Where is this place?

3)Who is in the picture? What are they doing?

Ryan’s answers based on the pictures

Photo 1)

Tita hanging clothes at our apartment
Image by Ted Abbott via Flickr

The mother is hanging up the clothes

I help mummy to hang up the clothes.

She is hanging clothes in the balcony.

cooking dinner - dscf3437
Image by sean dreilinger via Flickr

Photo 2)

I think she is cooking dinner.

Cooking Macaroni and cheese.


Day 6: The Jesus Storybook Bible
Image by Travis Seitler via Flickr

3) Reading a storybook

The little girl is reading the storybook with her daddy.

I read storybook with mummy and Roy.

I though him to use the words.

In the Morning, Later ,  After  and at night before bed

to join the sentences that he had earlier mentioned and we wrote down together.

The completed essay reads:

In the morning,Mummy wash and hang up the clothes

Later ,mummy cook dinner for me.Macaroni and cheese. My favourite.

At night before bed  we sit together and  read storybook .

The essay is not gramatically correct as he should have been using the past tense instead of the present tense. However since the emphasis is on building up the storyline it is quite an achievement for him I will teach him on when to use the correct tenses another time.

This  right brain activity is suitable for kids from 4-6 years old.

For other examples on story sequencing cards you can get some printables from DLTK

Learning Goals for this activity:
Children will be able to:

-identify different object pictures.

-follow the sequence of the pictures to tell a story with a beginning, middle, and end.

– create their own stories using the picture cards.

Related posts:

  1. Teaching Toddlers to write-(Part 1) Learning Sentance Structure
  2. Teaching Toddlers to write-(Part 2) Using Visuals
  3. Teaching Toddlers to write-(Part 3) Using Story Sequences
  4. Teaching Toddlers to write- (Part 4) Using Graphic Organisers
  5. Teaching Toddlers to write-(Part 5) A wrap up