Capturing Memories with Natuski Photography

Our family photo

Our family photo

Taking family photos has never been an easy task for me as I am the main photographer for the family. I was  really excited when we were offered a photo taking session with Natsuki Photography.  It was a great opportunity to have the kids photographed with the extended family and both grandmothers.

We arranged for the photography session to take place at Hort Park on Mother’s day as it would make it an extra special for all the mothers that day. It would be a treat for both grandmothers to be photographed with their grand kids by a professional photographer.

Blowing bubbles

Blowing bubbles

The kids loved blowing bubbles and within a short while finished up all the bubble solution which Natusuki brought along. Even tiger girl had her fill of blowing bubbles with her brothers.


The kids playing with apples and bubbles

The kids playing with apples and bubbles

The kids were having lots of fun playing with the bubbles and other props which they have brought along. Her style of photography was more of a “capture the natural side” of the kids and their enjoyment in play. She didn’t give many directions and left it to the kids to be innovate and come up with their own poses.  You should have seen the boys using the apples as cannon balls and using them as “bowling balls” throwing them all across the lawn.

I found that she was quite reserved and didn’t really know how to converse with the kids so I gave the kids my own pointers on how I would like them to stand for the pictures to help her along.

Tiger girl enjoying herself blowing bubbles.

Tiger girl enjoying herself blowing bubbles.

I love that she was able to capture the gleeful expressions on Tiger girl’s face while she was playing with bubbles. She was thrilled to bits and  really enjoyed herself blowing bubbles. It was the first time that she had successfully blown bubbles on her own and it was a real fine achievement.

Mum, Sis and Mum in law

Mum, Sis and Mum in law

I’m glad that the grannies and aunt had fun at the photoshoot. I love this shot of the three of them taking a breather on an enormous chair in the park.

My mum and me

My mum and me

A rare shot of my mum and me together. Doesn’t she look young for a 64yr old grandmother?

Together on a long bench

Together on a long bench

Both grandmothers and aunt with the kids posing for the camera. It surely took a lot of effort to get everyone to look at the camera at the same time.

Doggie boy with R

Doggie boy with R

The kids spotted this metal swing at the park and immediately gravitated towards it.  They had so much fun swinging on it while Natusuki took some shots.  Love the different expressions that both R and Doggie boy have on their faces.




Our whole family

Our whole family

A priceless shot of everyone looking at the camera together.

In all we were very satisfied with the photos that Natsuki had taken and would certainly recommend her services if you are looking to take family photos too.




I received a complimentary photo taking session with Natsuki Photography.  All opinions are 100% my own.