Wear Clean Underwear- Alexis Martin Neely

Wear Clean Underwear by Alexis Martin Neely is a MUST BUY for parents.
I was privileged to be able to review this book before it was launched and must say that the contents really blew me away. It got me thinking of how fragile life is and the need for parents to set down clear instructions on how their kids welfare will be taken care of if *touchwood* they came to an untimely demise.

Alexis gives three case studies in her book. Each case study comes with an alternative ending based on whether the parent has/hasn’t taken the appropriate planning with it’s legal implications.

She mentions the need to plan for

  • Alternative Short term/Long Term caregivers for your children
  • Distribution of your estate/monies & personal belongings
  • Allowing members of your family to access your medical files in case of emergencies
  • having a log about what you intend to do for your children in the future.

After reading her book I realized that I haven’t really considered the points that Alexis had highlighted and how important it is for me to get it done soon.

To know more grab the book when it hits the stands in May.
