alpha thursday

Konnecting – The First Date

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Photo by Flickr

It was in Melbourne, Australia when we first went out.  It was the first time that we decided to go on an official date as a couple. Even though we have met each many times and were both staying on campus our relationship only started to blossom when I transferred out to the University of Melbourne and he was still studying over at Geelong.

Our meeting place was at Flinder’s Station as that’s where the V-trains came in. Even though the train journey from Geelong to Melbourne only took an hour  I ended up waiting for three hours at the train station for him to arrive as he missed the train and had to take a later one.  When he eventually arrived at the station he was very apologetic for making me wait for so long. Thankfully I had a book and my walkman back then to kill time while waiting.

It would be the first and last time that I will be waiting hours for a guy. Frankly speaking it SHOULD be the guy waiting for the girl and not the other way around.

Despite the hiccup due to a missed train the rest of the afternoon went of rather smoothly as we  caught a movie together and ended the date strolling hand in hand. It felt good holding onto his hand. It felt so secure and warm. It was a hand that I could get used to.



Mama’s Losin’ ItJenny Matlock

Writer’s Workshop- Visiting Japan

Japan- The land of the rising sun is a country which I would like to visit someday. Unfortunately it’s not within our travel plans for this year.

Our  Dinner
From Photoxpress

The boys have been dreaming about the land of sushi and udon since they have been introduced to Japanese cuisine at a tender age. In fact, if I remember clearly, chawanmushi  was the 1st Japanese food which they have tasted. The steamed egg being soft and similar to the puree vegetables which I made them was very palatable. They enjoyed the taste and still enjoy eating it now.

Our 10th Anniversary Dinner Spread

Thomasland, Hello Kitty land would be some of the places which we will certainly visit. The kids will go ballistic seeing the favourite train engines while I can relieve my childhood days with my favourite Sanrio characters at Hello Kitty land.Hubs will certainly love indulging in the Japanese anime and soaking in the culture and food.

It’s unfortunate that we have to put our trip to Japan on hold due to the recent earthquake and nuclear disaster that occurred earlier on in the year. The place is still reeling from the damage which mother nature has caused and not yet totally free from radiation. We could still visit Hokkaido which is further up north but that would mean the boys would have to give Thomasland a miss as it is near Tokyo.

I’m sure that they wouldn’t miss it that much as we will be traveling to more places instead this year. We just went to Penang, Malaysia and would be traveling back to Hong Kong later this year. Maybe if there is some spare cash we will be able to throw in additional trips to  Thailand and Taiwan also . ( How does that sound?? *wink*)

Where are you thinking of visiting this holidays?

Jenny MatlockMama’s Losin’ It