
Random thoughts, reflections and dreams

Teddy Bytes #1

From this week I will be running “Teddy Bytes” a mid-week special where you (the reader) are encouraged to join and add in any interesting bytes of information relating to parenting or education. Add on your Byte using Mr Linky!

Here is my byte for this week- How to nurture a creative child

5 Rules for active listening



  1. Listen attentively and do not interrupt when he is speaking.
  2. Use open questions to fuel the discussion.
  3. Gives lots of praise and encouragement
  4. Don’t be bossy and “put down” their contributions
  5. Don’t force your own ideas/opinions on your child.

Whipped Cream Play

Last week during one of our playgroup sessions I made some coloured whipped cream for the kids to play with. Roy had fun dipping his pudgy fingers inside the bowls and mixing the colours around. He learned how colours blended and was introduced to the primary colours- Red, blue, yellow and green.

I should do such hands-on activities more regularly as he really enjoyed himself.

It is really easy to make.


1/2 packet of whipped cream

A drop of food colouring


– Whip the cream in a mixer for 5-10 min on high

– Add in the drop of colouring

– Blend in and chill till ready for use.

It is relatively inexpensive and best of all non-toxic and tastes yummy!! 🙂