Boo!! Scary Monday

It’s really scary seeing how fast Tiger girl is growing up. At 13 months she’s very assertive and am eager to do what her brothers are able to do.  She can’t really walk independently yet but here is she wanted to zoom around on the skate scooter at home. She gets frustrated when it can’t move so Monkey  boy is helping her by pushing her around on it.


My choice this week is based on a classic show which I used to watch when I was a kid.


1. My current weather is _______?

Either super hot or  raining cats and dogs.
2. What is your favorite sound?

Piano © by Sean MacEntee

The kids practicing the piano.

3. What is the worst flavor of ice cream?

kek seng durian ice cream © by scaredy_kat

It would definitely be durian ice -cream. Yucks!!

4. What magazine do you look for when you are stuck in the waiting room?

It would be either Her world or National Geographic. 

5. What is your favorite condiment?

Tabasco Flavors © by barron


Tabasco wins hands down.