Teaching Toddlers to Write
- Image by Brande Jackson via Flickr
Last week Ryan came back from school with his termly workfile. Inside the file were worksheets and booklets that he had completed in the past few months. While browsing through his work I was amazed that at Nursery 1 they have started to teach the children how to write in simple sentences. Back when I was a kid we were only taught our ABCs at a much later age.
Looking at his work it got me thinking that I needed to start teaching him the basics of writing now instead of waiting till he was much older. I have to start teaching him the skills needed to write proficiently.
Browsing through the notes that I used to explain essay writing to my students I revisited the different websites that I referred to back then and how it could the lesson plan could be simplified to suit the needs of a 4-5yr old.
Since Ryan has already learned and fully understood Uppercase and Lowercase alphabets and can read phonetically most words independently I feel that it is the right time that I start him on something more advance letter writing.
For the past few months we have been sending short e-mails to his aunt in USA. Ryan absolutely loves typing at the keyboard and sending the e-mails. Now is the time to work on actual writing of letters as he still needs to work on his handwriting skills.
In the next week I will be starting another short 5 part series. This time it would be on how I plan to teach the writing skills to Ryan and be sharing with all the resources that I will be using.
Stay Tuned!!