10 Things that Make me Smlie

Mama's Losin' It

This week as part of my entry for the Writer’s Workshop I’ll be writing on the prompt #3-
Write a list of 10 things that are sure to put a smile on your face when you are not happy.

Many a time there are things that happen during the day which put a damper  on my spirit. Here is a list of 10 items which make me smile when I am not happy.

  1. Watching the boys play and laugh
  2. Ice Cream
  3. Potato Chips
  4. Cakes
  5. A big hug and kiss
  6. A long relaxing bath
  7. A shopping spree
  8. Hanging out with girlfriends
  9. Going on a date with hubby
  10. Watching a movie.

What makes you smile?

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