Fixing a Puzzle

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Nowadays there are many different types of puzzles available for kids. My kids have a large assortment of puzzles at home.

Last week we took out the word puzzle that has been shelved for a few months. This time around he was able to complete the puzzle independently and took half the time he did the last time to complete the 40 cards

You can see in the picture how he is being creative placing the cards in an up-down-up fashion.

By completing the puzzle cards it showed that he is able to recognize and link the word to the picture. Ryan is now able to do associations between word and picture, recognize the spelling, spell out the word and pronounce the phonetics of the word. Next on the list for him is to focus on him writing out the words spoken to him.

A link to the write up on the word cards in the video can be seen at the ELC website

I do recommend this product to parents who want to improve their child’s word recognition ability and reading skills.

Conversation during playtime

Noooooo…..don’t take my train!!” screams Ryan from the living room. “Ehh!!” goes Roy.

This is one of the typical tussle that I have to face daily when the boys play together.

” Roy… u must ask me for permission before you take my toy,” says Ryan” OK! Ask first then I will lend you my toy.” [ Mentoring to Roy on how to share and take turns]

A few seconds later he starts hollering again. ” Mummy!!! Roy took my toy WITHOUT PERMISSION AGAIN!!! I want you to come here and scold him. He is so rude. Take my toy without asking.”

I dropped my laundry and walk over to where they are and approached Roy.

” Roy, you must ask your brother for his permission before you take his train to play,” I say.

” Please give mummy the train.” I stretch out my hand for it and Roy places the train on my palm.

Handing back the train to Ryan I gestured Roy to ask him for it as his eyes were still transfixed on the train.

Roy glanced at his brother, went over tapped his shoulder, pointed at the train and said ” Ehh”.

” Ryan , Roy asked you for your permission. Pass him the toy.”

Ryan still feeling defiant and unwilling to share his train replies ” I didn’t hear Roy say can I have the train please?”

” Well.. what do you expect your brother to say? He is only ONE!!!” I reply.