About Dominique Goh


Posts by Dominique Goh:

SBB – 2 years on (Post Secondary 2 reflections)

Two years on after ending the series of subject based banding, Tiger girl is now halfway through her secondary school education. Time has really flew past and she is now entering upper secondary. Two more years and she will complete her secondary school years as the last batch of O-Levels students.

This week the Secondary 3 subject allocation has been announced. She didn’t really get the subjects of her choice. It was not that she didn’t meet the mark to take the subject but rather the school had insufficient students to make up a class for the subject that she chose. She is still taking triple science but one as a pure subject and the other as combine. Weird isn’t it? They weren’t able to offer her both Pure Biology and Pure Chemistry but gave her the combination of Pure Chemistry with Combined Physics/Biology. Apparently Physics is a compulsory subject in her school and not Chemistry. I do know from before that Chemistry and E-maths are compulsory for other schools. This is the first time I heard about compulsory Physics. I guess it is because of a lack of sufficient Chemistry/ Biology teachers in her school.

There is really a lack of Science teachers in her school I really feel. QUALITY science teachers to boost!! This year I was really shocked when her science grades took a real nose dive. I didn’t blame her for the bad grades as I was extremely skeptical of the current year’s science teacher’s teaching. Being a straight A student like her brothers there is no question about her ability to excel academically. Just as I expected that teacher really did a bad job with slip shot teaching, insufficient explanations and not completing the syllabus as scheduled. Many questions which came up during the examinations were not taught in class therefore it was impossible for her to score and the whole class failed badly during the mid years as a result of poor teaching by the science teacher. Seeing the E8 in her report book I told her that she really need to do something about it and don’t bother “trying” to follow what the science teacher is teaching in class as clearly he doesn’t even know his stuff as evident by the whole class failing badly for the midyear exams. Tiger girl did remediate her poor grades through intensive tutoring given by Monkey boy. During the end of the year exams her science grade returned to an A1. It was clear evidence that the teacher was the one hampering her stellar performance in school as with her elder brother’s coaching she was on track with her academic grades.

Being a tutor myself and having secondary school students to coach I do note that the standard of teaching in schools have drastically dropped these years. The basics are not thoroughly covered as before and the students do not get enough practice before moving on to new components. There has to be a lot of drilling done privately for them to really grasp the concepts that are suppose to be learnt. Unfortunately even those branded schools fall short giving adequate help to students to survive through their secondary school years. It is impossible for one to do without extra help these days to survive the system. Most of the good teachers have left and the ones left are mostly half baked. I really pray for the youngsters today. They are being shortchanged by a messed up environment.

Subject Based Banding (SBB) and Me

Are the changes mindboggling to you?

Recently MOE announced that most schools from 2024 will be subject based banding schools. There has been many coverage on various media platforms about the technical differences this makes in the current AL system. Therefore I will not be covering it here on this blog but in fact address this from the perspective of a parent whose child has been exposed to SBB in 2023.

It has been a term since Tiger girl entered Secondary school and she is quite well adjusted to the changes in the breath of subjects that she has to address in school. Moving from 4 to 8 subject hasn’t been too difficult for her and she is enjoying herself in her chosen Secondary school. She hasn’t found much different being in a class of mix ability for non- core subjects. Based on her sharing with me the only grouse she has is that there are “still” too many boys in class then girls so it can get rather noisy and rowdy at times.

If you are wondering how your child maybe affected by SBB here is some insight into what you may be facing.

How will SBB benefit my child if they qualify for Group 3?
(Formerly known as Express Stream/ Scoring between AL 4-20)

There is NO benefit for your child. Let me repeat- NO BENEFIT!! Your child is already doing subjects at the highest level possible within the 3 groupings so there is no where else to promote your child to unless he/she switches over to IP in Secondary 3 if he does well enough. However for most students they would be remaining in the ” O” level track and this would mean no change to the subject level which they enter the school at.

Who will benefit from SBB then?

If you child had entered the school and was eligible for Group 1(Formerly known as Normal Technical (NT) stream with a PSLE AL score of 26-30 they maybe able to take between 1-3 subjects at a higher level depending on their ability. For example if the student is doing well in English he may be able to take it at Group 2 level ( Formerly know as Normal Academic (NA) level) while taking the other subjects at the Group 1 level. This is the same as for students who are eligible for Group 2 (Who have scored a PSLE AL score of 21-25) to take on Group 3 subjects.

Previously the students who were in Normal Academic were allowed to take between 1-2 subjects at Express levels if they scored more then 75 marks (Grade 1) in the particular subject. I did have students who managed to move from NA Science to Express Science after the 1st semester in Sec 1. However do note that her results did dip a bit come WA3 as there is a slight gap between the NA Science and Express Science syllabus. Certain components of topics were listed as *optional for NA students so she wasn’t taught them in class and had to revisit the textbook and learn all the ” missing parts” that were taught in the 1st semester of Sec 1 to catch up.

Come next year when she does her Sec 4 exams if she scores a grade of B3 for Express Science it will be counted as additional bonus point to the final score in her N-Level marks. IE: a O Level score of B3 = Grade 1 for N-Levels. The marks for the paper that she took at Express level will be release together with all other candidates which took O-Level papers. Therefore she would have 2 different certificates – one stating the subjects she took at N-Levels and another stating the subjects taken at O-Levels. With the combination of these 2 marks she will see if she qualifies for Poly Foundation year (refer to my earlier post on it ) stay back for Secondary 5/ or enter ITE under DPP.

This year I’m handling a student how has shifted from NT Science to NA Science. His results are still okay as we managed to play catch up during the December holidays after it was confirmed that he had manage to be promoted from NT stream to NA stream. If anyone is curious the science syllabus for Sec 1 NT science is totally different than Sec 1 NA. Therefore I have to do catch up on the whole Sec 1 NA syllabus while simultaneously prepare him for the Sec 2 NA tests/ exams.

*Do note that lateral transfer from NT to NA stream is one way and they will NOT downgrade you back to NT if you are not able to cope well in the NA stream. It is the same if you progress from NA to Express stream. If you do not perform well at the higher level you may be retained in the same level if you do not meet the minimum standard for end of year promotion.
The only transfer allowed to a lower level is from IP to the O-Level stream if the student is not able to reach the minimum promotion standard by Sec 3. For such cases the student may

What is needed for level progression in Secondary School?

To be promoted from one level to another here is a common set of criteria which is applied in all secondary schools

  • Promotion at Secondary 1 and 2 ( Express)
    Pass in EL and a pass percentage in the average of all subjects
  • Promotion at Secondary 1, 2 and 3 (Normal Academic)
    Grade 5 of better in (a) EL and 2 other subjects of (b) 4 subjects.
  • Promotion at Secondary 1, 2 and 3 (Normal Technical)
    Grade D or better in 2 subjects, one of which should be EL or Mathematics.
  • Promotion at Secondary 3 (Express)
    Grade 6 or better in EL and 2 other subjects.

What are your thoughts on SBB? Do share in the comments below.

Posts in the Series so far :
1) Surviving the Secondary Years (Introduction Post)

2) From 4 to 8 subjects

3)How to Study Effectively in Secondary School
4) What Next after the N- Levels?

5) What Next after the O-Levels?

6) Subject Based Banding (SBB) and Me