Writer’s Workshop: Choosing to be Happy

Are you Choosing to be Happy?

Are you Choosing to be Happy?

Happiness is certainly a choice. It is a decision which one has to make on a daily basis.  It is something which has to be actively sort after and not as elusive as it seems.

Even though there are 101 things which are able to rob you of your happiness. It is up to you to decide where you should or should not LET it be robbed.  Your mindset is what drives the weather of the day. The colors which you see and whether you choose to address the issues that you face with a positive or negative attitude.

Here are ten things  that  make me happy. 


A recent selfie which I took

A recent selfie which I took

1. Dressing up and looking good so that I’m all ready to face the day.
When you look good you will feel good. Appearances do matter and  it does help to start off the day on a positive note.

Tiger girl posing with her waffle ice-cream

Tiger girl posing with her waffle ice-cream

2. Spending one on one time with the kids.

Here is a picture that I took of Tiger girl when I took her out for some girl time shopping and  a waffle ice-cream treat.

Monkey boy at the airport before leaving for Vietnam

Monkey boy at the airport before leaving for Vietnam

3. Being able to let the kids have their own unique experiences.

Monkey boy traveled to Vietnam with the school last month as they had a  4 Days 4 Nights  learning journey to Ho Chi Min. He got to visit a village school,  harvest tapioca, catch fish and learn more about the Vietnamese culture.

Almond Flour Pancake with Milo Ice-cream and strawberries

Almond Flour Pancake with Milo Ice-cream and strawberries

3. Making breakfast for the kids and  seeing them happily eating what I cooked.

The kids have been asking for pancakes these holidays so I’ve been testing several different pancake recipes to make them a healthier breakfast which is not only nutritious but filling.

A yellow rose

A yellow rose

4. Looking at beautiful flowers. 

I love looking at Roses. There is something magical in their visual appeal which lifts up ones spirit.  The perfectly formed petals and their sweet scent sure brightens up my day.


A small collection of the Father's Day gifts

A small collection of the Father’s Day gifts


5. Preparing presents for love ones. 

Father’s Day is around the corner and the kids and I are putting aside a top to toe  pampering package for R. Tiger girl and I made the  Hama bead crafts pictured above and  we set down and discusses with her brothers what items would be most useful for their dad.

Doggie boy and me

Doggie boy and me

6. Chilling out with the kids.

Spending time with them playing board games, going on a bicycle ride or enjoying some time at the pool is really fun and relaxing for me. It is certainly a great way to bond with them.

Speaking at a Social Media sharing session at Mary Kay

Speaking at a Social Media sharing session at Mary Kay


7. Sharing my Expertise with others.

It brings me great happiness to share what I know with others.  Enriching the life of other women is certainly very fulfilling and I’m really happy to be given the opportunity to teach others how and see how they grow.

Shi Fen Waterfall in Taiwan

Shi Fen Waterfall in Taiwan

8. Travelling and visiting various places of interest.

I really love travelling and seeing the wonders of nature. I’m really happy that I get to travel several times a year with family and go on couple trips with R.

A wefie of R and me

A wefie of R and me

9. Spending time with my #1 Love

It is certainly a joy to be able to spend time with R as a couple. Although he is now posted overseas for work  we still try to carve out time to spend time with each other.  The short trips that we have together certainly is bliss to me.

Shopping for shoes with Tiger girl

Shopping for shoes with Tiger girl

10. Shopping

I’m sure that you will agree that all ladies love to shop. I’m no exception also however nowadays I try not to splurge too much and do calculate carefully if I do have the budget for certain buys that I desire.


What makes you happy?


Mama’s Losin’ It  Jenny Matlock