Writer’s Workshop: December
December is one of the kids favourite month in the year. It is a month of holiday and enjoyment for them as it is the month that we usually go on vacations. This December started with a blast. We took off to Tokyo , Japan for a family holiday with the kids. We visited Disneyland and Disney sea. Stayed at the seaside and also a inn in the mountainside. We went to visit places of interest, museums, skiing and did lots of shopping and eating too.
The remaining days of December will be filled with other fun activities like play dates, movie treats, outings to parks, swimming and sleepovers. A month to try out many different activities without being restricted by school and time tables.
December is a magical month as it brings lots of hope for the new year. It is a time of celebrations and reflection. As the year comes to an end I have been reflecting on all the good and bad things that have happened in 2013. The blessings that I have received and the goals that have been met.
It is a month for planning also as I will be doing up my teaching schedule for the kids come 2014. Setting new goals and resolutions for the new year and doing up my blogging calendar for next year too.
How has your December been?
Cathy Kennedy
December 12, 2013 @ 8:45 pm
Wow, a month long vacation! That must be awesome to do. DH will be taking a Christmas week off, so I am very much looking forward to our time together. May you feel fresh and renewed from your December get-away to Disneyland.
December 13, 2013 @ 10:34 pm
the Disneyland trip was fun. The kids and I really enjoyed it.
artmusedog and carol
December 12, 2013 @ 10:36 pm
Wonderful photography ~ delightful post for D ~ thanks, carol, xxx
Christy Garrett
December 13, 2013 @ 5:44 am
Disney is so much fun and it looks like it made your December fun for you and your family. I think this year has had its ups and downs. This year has flown by and I can’t believe that 2014 is just around the corner.
December 13, 2013 @ 5:57 am
You went to Tokyo Disney? Seriously? For real? That’s one of my dreams right there! That is SOSOSOSO COOL!!!!!!
December 13, 2013 @ 10:35 pm
yes we went to both Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea last week. It is one of the better Disney parks here in Asia. We went to the one in Hong Kong a few years back and it was really tiny.
December 13, 2013 @ 10:53 am
how wonderful for your children! I’ve had a very cold December, but have spent a lot of that time indoors, moving furniture and rooms around for myself. Enjoy the rest of the month! {:-Deb
December 15, 2013 @ 12:49 pm
I love December too! Boy would I love to visit Disney during this time of the year!
December 16, 2013 @ 2:17 am
I would love to see more Disney photos! 🙂
Jenny Matlock
December 25, 2013 @ 11:14 am
It’s hard to top such a delightful December…
I’m glad your family got to enjoy Disneyland!
Thanks for linking to the letter “D” – Darling post!
January 7, 2014 @ 11:20 am
Very cute post and pic. I love Disneyland – it’s a place young and old can have a blast. Wish you a happy new year.