Supercamp 2013- A Fun Camp for Kids 8-18

Snapshot of last year’s supercamp

Are you looking for a way to meaningful engage your child this year end school holidays?  Are you concerned that your child is spending too much time texting, playing Minecraft, watching YouTube videos, on Facebook or aimlessly idling away their holidays?

I certainly am!! I don’t want  my boys to waste away their 7 weeks of  end of year school vacations.  I want their vacation to be filled with activities which are both exciting and educational for them.

Their  school vacation should be a time where by they learn how to be more self motivated and discipline to apply themselves to studies and increase their self confidence level. It should be a time whereby they are able to build up their life skills. This is where Supercamp comes in.

The Supercamp website

What is Supercamp?

Founded by Bobbi DePorter in 1982 the aim was to teach students important life-skills that they could use for the rest of the lives while making learning fun and meaningful. Adopting cutting -edge learning technology from Georgi Lazanov and life-lessons from the world’s greatest achievers, Bobbi developed an innovative and engaging 7-day- life-skills and academic skills program- Supercamp.

Speed reading, study skills, writing, maths, creativity and critical thinking with important life skills in the areas of communication, leadership, relationships, self-worth, personal responsibility, goal setting and more are all explored at the 7 day camp.

How they teach.

The camp leaders put activities together in a fast an fun way so students learn with speed, little effort and with lots of ACTION and fun.  The elements of fun, games, color, positive thinking, physical fitness and emotional health are all combined to provide the child with a high-impact, powerful learning experience.

What your child would learn at the camp

At the camp your child would pick up both life-skills and academic skills. His resilience will be molded together with his self motivation and sense of responsibility.  He too will learn how to foster better relationships with others.

All this  is done through getting the child to understand the following through a series of activities.

– how to manage their energy peak during exams

– creative problem solving

– troubleshooting problems given real life scenarios

At the camp your child will be able to use their newly acquired skill set over and over again till it becomes second nature to them under the guidance of the team leaders

What Makes Supercamp Singapore So Special

Supercamp Singapore  only runs once a year as they passionately  believe in giving students the very best. It is the ONLY  in-depth life skills program in Singapore. Applying the  techniques from Bobbi’s accelerated learning inventions, first introduced in 1982. one is able to find out the deep “WHY” or your child- WHY study harder, WHY learn more, WHY push during the 7 day intensive camp.

It has been Singapore’s best kept secret which is unanimously loved by parents and kids. Past campers love it so much that they have been returning to Supercamp year after year.

Parents whose kids went to Supercamp have seen that their  quiet and introvert kids have become more confident and have broken out of their shell. They make friends more easily, volunteer for leadership positions in school  and are  also more self motivated to study well.  With the right attitude in life the parents need not worry and stress up so much over their kids.

Special for Dominique’s Desk Readers

I’ve worked out a special discount package with Supercamp Singapore just for you, my loyal readers.

When you sign your child up for Supercamp by clicking the link below, you will receive a special $300 discount.

Here’s the secret link:

On the page, you’ll find a special coupon code. When you register, key in the coupon code and you’ll enjoy the special $300 off!

Click the link above to find out more – now!


Disclaimer: I’m participating in a campaign by Supercamp  All opinions are 100% my own.This post has a Compensation Level of 13. Please visit Dominique’s Disclosure page for more information.