Drypers DryPantz- A User Experience


Drypers Drypantz

Drypers Drypantz

Choosing the right diaper can be a daunting task for moms. Besides deciding on the brand you need to know if the cutting and material used in the diapers is suitable for your growing child. The diaper chosen has  to meet the following criteria.

It has to be

  1. Absorbent and comfortable
  2. Breathable and irritation free
  3. Value for money
  4. Easy to use

I have been using various different brands of diapers with my three kids .  I had changed the types of diapers which  each child needed to use based on their current needs. Diaper change shouldn’t be a troublesome affair and something that could be carried out effortlessly.  It should be a moment of bonding where mother and child can interact with each other  with no hassle at all.

For the past few weeks Tiger girl has been on Drypers DryPantz as we have started toilet training with her. I figured out using diaper pants would be much easier to train her as she could  put on and remove the diaper by herself when needed.

Drypers DryPantz ( for babies 6 months and up) is noted for containing Activ-CoreTM which helps to quickly absorb urine and prevent flow-back to keep baby’s skin dry, healthy and extra comfortable. It also has  Flexi-FitTM, a snug and soft waist elastic which helps to provide little ones with better mobility and a comfortable fit, so baby moves with greater ease.

I certainly had to test out their claims and see if this was the diaper pants which would be suitable for Tiger girl to use.

Both sides of the diaper

Both sides of the diaper

As you can see from the collage above there are two distinct designs on both side of the diaper. A group of elephants adorn the front while an elephant in a pocket with the word BACK defines the back of the diaper.

These markings make it easy for Tiger girl to identify which side is the front and the back so she doesn’t put it on wrongly. The diaper feels soft and cottony to the touch and easily expands to fit  Tiger girl when it is put on. It only takes a few minutes to remove or put on the diaper so that more time could be spend playing and reading with Tiger girl before she heads off to bed for the night.

Kids grow up so fast and it is important to be with them during the first three years of their lives to be able to witness them meeting their milestones.  It is very satisfying to be able to see your child learn the art of how to wear her own clothes and feed herself without any assistance. This life skill that she has learned will see her through the rest of her life.


Tiger girl wearing DRYpantz

Tiger girl wearing Drypers DryPantz

As you can see the Drypers DryPantz fits on rather snug on her.  She is using XXL even though it is recommended for babies who are slightly heavier then her current 14kg. In fact I feel that the cutting is a bit to snug and she would be outgrowing their largest size very soon.

Tiger girl could put on her diaper by herself without any assistance. It also kept her dry all through the night and there was no leaking of the diaper when she slept.  Diaper changing was hassle free and we could spend more time on reading storybooks together before bedtime.

We have been using Drypers DryPantz for the past month and here is our findings.

1. It comes on and off easily and even Tiger girl doesn’t have problem wearing it on her own.

2. It is very absorbent and  go through a few sessions of wetting however it can get very uncomfortable if she poos in the diaper. Tiger girl will immediately ask for a change.

3.  It is breathable and Tiger girl has not have any rashes or allergic reactions from using it.

4. It is affordable and comparable to the other  premium diaper pants in the market. It’s certainly value for money.

This diaper certainly does meet my expectation in what I am looking for in a diaper however the small cutting may make it unsuitable for babies which are more chubby.

The video below shows these important bonding moments between parent and child, enhanced by Drypers


Drypers  DryPantz cost $16.50 per pack and comes in various sizes.  It is available at all major departmental stores and supermarkets.  If you are interested in  getting a sample for your child you can visit the  Drypers FB page for more updates and parental tips

Disclaimer: Products for review were provided by Drypers.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Dypers.

Originally posted on Dominique’s Desk. All opinions expressed on this website come straight from Dominique unless otherwise noted. This post has Compensation Levels of 13 . Please visit Dominique’s  Disclosure page for more information.