Keeping Motivated Blogging on a Monday

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Yesterday Sarah of Not On My Own Anymore dropped by the blog and commented  the following

Congratulations Dominique ! I hope one of these days you could write how you were able to attain the PR 3 status and how much of your day is spent on blogging . That will really help a lot especially who really want to earn from their blogs. Blessings and more power !


It feels really great to be able to inspire other bloggers to blog and show that certain blogging stats are indeed achievable.

I have been blogging for the past 10+ years and this blog dates back to 2007. Just after Doggie boy was born I decided to blog more as it helps me in chronologically listing down the kids milestones and  share my passions in education, parenting, food and photography.   I purchased my own domain and moved from to a self hosted domain. Prior to being on I was on blogspot too. I still keep those blogs even though they are now being used to note  down other important events.

Maintaing a blog and driving traffic to it needs a lot of determination and discipline.  Here are some tips which I am sharing that had help me move the blog to where it is today.

  1.  Blog regularly and have a blogging schedule which you follow.

    Set out the type of posts/themes which you want to pursue and blog about things which you are passionate about.
    I do a yearly blogging calandar and most of you who follow this blog know I do review my goals that I set monthly to see how I have been progressing.
  2. Get social. Very social!!.

    Having a blog alone is not enough. You too need to have your voice heard on other platforms like Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram , Facebook etc. Link up all your accounts so that they cross post to each other and it maximizes your reach on every post you make to your blog.

  3. Keep abreast with the latest happening in the blogsphere.Join forum and/or follow popular blogs in your niche(s). It pays to be in on the constant changes in this digital world as you be alerted to the latest blogging opportunities which are suitable for you.
  4. Take note of SEO and how to bring out your post so that it gives maximum benefit to the readers.Make your post easy to be searched and read. If your post are too lengthy break them up with pictures or create a short series on your chosen topic.
  5. Be efficient with the time you spend online.

    Since learning how to eliminate time wasters like facebook games, blog surfing etc. I keep focus to the task at hand ( Ie: churning out blog post) and complete it within the time which I allocate to myself. Being a full time mom with 3 different kids schedule to handle + housework + freelance work doesn’t give me many hours a day. I spend about 3-4 hours online each day to finish up all the necessary task which I need to do online. This time doesn’t come as a full blog but as a combination stolen minutes and hours. I do my bulk of blog posting  during my golden 1-2hr lunch time whereby all the kids are off at school. On an off throughout the day I will check my social media outlets and respond to any queries or follow up on the work schedule with my clients.


Any other motivational tips you would like to share on blogging?


Sharing with you this week the latest song by Super Junior M – Break Down.