Enjoying the Company of Brothers on a Monday

Tiger girl and Monkey Boy

Tiger girl and Monkey Boy

Having elder brothers to play with can certainly be a lot of fun. There is always someone around willing to spend time  with and be silly at the same time. Tiger girl is blessed to have two elder brothers who don’t mind spending time with her despite the rather large age gap of 4 and 6 years.

Doggie boy and Tiger girl

Doggie boy and Tiger girl

Tiger girl relates better to Monkey boy then Doggie boy as he is more patient with her. He gives in to her more as Doggie boy is still at the stage of vying with her for the things which they both desire. I guess their competitive character makes it harder for them to come to a compromise which is favourable for both parties. I do know that all of them look out for each other and love one another.

The kids having fun

The kids having fun

Even though the house can get really noisy and messy with them chasing after each other and bickering with one another it only makes the place more lively. It is great to know that the trio will have each other to rely on when we are no longer around to guide them.

My brothers and me

My brothers and me

Tiger girl is really blessed to have two brothers to look out for her. To hold her hand and guide her through life. They too are fortunate to have a little sister who dotes  and adores them.  I sure they are enjoying every moment of their childhood.

How is it for your kids?

Here is one of the tunes sung by ELVA a Taiwanese Singer. 蕭亞軒ELVA 有愛到就好 官方完整版MV