Year End Reflections-(Roy)

Have you been Naughty or Nice?

In a few days 2008 would be over. I have been feeling a bit  nostalgic lately. Roy has turned 2 and is officially a toddler and an extremely feisty one too!!

Two years ago when we just brought him back from the hospital he was only 3.5kg. Now at 12kg my hands ache badly if I have to carry him around for more then 15 minutes.

“Many people say that the 1st few years are the most crucial in the development of a child.”

I definitely agree with this observation. During the 1st year of life a child’s  physical  development is most observable. They move from a baby who can only move their hands and leg, to one that can roll and crawl. From crawling they proceed to toddlering around and finally walking and running.

Roy’s 2nd year was when I noted a marked improvement in his verbal communication and mental development. He has moved from one word answers to a full interegation of whatever you are doing.

Everyday I am bombarded by questions like

– Mummy what are you doing?

– No, I don’t like it.

– Give me, Roy wants. I want it.

-Mummy why is daddy not here yet?

He is also able to communicate a few sentences here and there in Mandarin and Cantonese.  His spoken ability is not as advance as his brother was at his age but [still] within acceptable range.   His diction and pronunciation of certain words are not as clear and properly articulated. IE: Water  is often mispronounced as  “Arthur”

*When Ryan was 2yrs old he could read short one sentence books with minimal prompting.  Now at 4yrs old he is able to read Grade 1-3 readers independently. Any words that he hasn’t seen before Ie:  Prominent, Outstanding etc he is able to figure out the pronunciation phonetically. Roy on the other hand doesn’t show any interest in books or flashcards.

Roy is a more physical person in comparison to Ryan. He is super active and every night it is a battle of wits trying to make sure he doesn’t climb onto the table during dinner and put his foot into the food.

I feel blessed being able to stay home this whole year to be the main caregiver to my boys and to enjoy hearing their innocent laughter as they chase one another from one room to another in the house.  🙂

Merry Xmas

The boys and I will be going out shortly to attend our annual family Xmas eve dinner.  This year I baked a cake to bring along.

It has been fun getting to know so many parents through my blog and I have built up so many relationships.

I have a lot of exciting plans in store  for next year

– Launch of my ebook on multilingual parenting

– A short parenting E-course

I will reveal all the details  nearer to my pre launch -dates.

How are you celebrating Christmas this year?

Have a blessed and fun Christmas this year 🙂